New Zealand organic Seaweed Fertiliser garden and farm




 These are some potatoes, spinach, and cucumber

Watered once a week for approximately three weeks with organic seaweed fertiliser,
a total of 500ml of fertiliser (10 litres in total mixed) was used.
They were watered with a light to medium mist watering can, and a 1 to 20 (light) mix of organic seaweed fertiliser
during spring / summer season in the North island of New Zealand.
(over 20 plants fertilized in this garden with New Zealand Organic Seaweed Fertiliser.)

  With no pests and bright green leaves, the plants are thriving, disease free and ready to eat.


 These are the same potatoes and spinich watered with plain water notice the loss in colour as the leaves fade
and turn yellow the plants are wilting as they are not absorbing nutrients (osmosis)



 Here is the same garden one year later. New lettuce, strawberries and cabbage also some perennial spinach and a rose plant
that have been growing well, with fresh new leaves and no bugs the garden is ready for the summer.

2-3 Weeks later

 Here is the same garden just over 2 weeks later. The lettuce, strawberries, cabbage and spinach are growing at a great steady rate
No infestations, no bugs , no snails , no slugs , no aphids and very few if any nibbles from random insects, an all over healthy plant.
(#note I use a light net over my vegetables to stop the white butterfly and random incects from eating the fresh plants.)

A total of 500ml of New Zealand Organic Seaweed Fertilser
was used with constant results and an over 90% yeld.

"After the inital three weeks of fertilising has been done i water my garden every second night
as the suns setting, with plain water and a watering can.
Raining days i wait two days after the rain before continuing."

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"This is my claim that this product, New Zealand Organic Seaweed Fertiliser
will bring life to plants, organic matter and is safe around humans and animals ."

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